How To Travel for Dirt-Cheap (PSST: It's Wayyy Easier Than You Think...)
How do I travel for cheap? I know it’s annoying when bloggers say “Soooo many of you have been asking about [skincare routine, where this shirt is from, etc.] but TRULY so many of you ask about HOW Adam and I afford to travel on a very average, very middle-class, very “normal” income. In the past two years alone we have gone on 16 vacations (whoa! typing that out just kinda blew my mind!).
We all know that traveling can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be! Adam and I have decided that we would rather travel in a laid-back, simple fashion and be able to do it more often than to go on fewer, spendier vacations (example: fancy resorts + all-inclusives). There is absolutely time for fancy pants vacations, but at this stage in our life we prioritize frequency of travel over luxury vacations! That said, when we travel we still go out to eat, invest in experiences, and fully enjoy our destination—we’ve just found a few hacks that make it WAYYYYY cheaper, and I am sharing them here!
first things first:
Ya gotta manifest, wish it, want it, PLAN for it. A vacation isn’t going to materialize out of thin air, friend! With a lot of our smaller, weekend trips we typically start mapping those out about 6–8 weeks before to get our ducks in a row. But with our bigger 7–10 day trips, we generally start the planning process 5–6 months in advance (checking our work schedules, requesting vacation, making trades with coworkers, looking around for different places to stay, researching different cities, etc).
Now, please keep in mind—I do not mean every detail of your trip needs to be planned! But make sure you are blocking off the time early, researching flights, estimating costs, etc. If you read my financial post “A Millennial’s Guide to Saving Money,” you’ll know that anything good in life starts with an intention and a plan. A trip isn’t going to magically plan itself—take charge of your life! If you wanna go somewhere, plan for it! Map it out! Take this moment to look at your next year’s calendar…is there anywhere you are dying to go? Any certain time of year? Pick a week and block it off! If you don’t plan for a vacation, it simply isn’t going to happen. *drops mic *
start saving up some cheddah:
Ahhhh, my favorite step of getting to your dream vacation! OK, so here is where I reveal my secret to HOW you actually *get* the money to travel. This is my best kept secret: I found this savings app over 3 years ago and it was GAME CHANGING for my finances—especially my traveling. Qapital is an app that allows you to set personalized, specific money goals and the app automatically starts saving your money for you. SAY WHAAA? Chances are you’ve heard me ramble about this app before but it’s just that good. I went from having quite literally $0 in savings to thousands in just a few months…without even really thinking about it (and this app is how I save for every vacation we take).
PSSST: use this link and enter the code jq9657yh and you’ll get $10 instantly in your account *happy dance*
I used to be THE WORST at saving. Money would leave my bank account just as quickly as it entered. *whomp whomp* But then I learned to save money with a purpose while having a clear goal in front of me.
Example of a savings goal: Hawaii plane tickets ($1,800). It’s specific, it’s clear, and I can PICTURE it. I can picture Adam and me on the flight, getting ready for a week in the sun, preparing to drive around Road to Hana, having a glass of rose on the beach. When you create specific goals that you can picture and visualize and manifest, it makes it MUCH easier to save because you have a tangible goal of what you are saving for. I love that Qapital allows me to set these highly specific goals for future travel because with each little bit of money I put in, I can see my trip becoming a reality.
HOW IT WORKS: Once you download the app, you customize what you’re saving for (example: Hawaii plane tickets), set the amount of money you want to save for that goal, and customize how you would like to save towards it…thennnn (DRUM ROLL), the app will automatically start saving from your bank account, and you just sit back and watch your money pile growwww. :) HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF HOW I’VE SAVED WITH QAPITAL:
2% of each paycheck
$15 every Monday
Round up my spare change every time I swipe my card
$10 every week
3% of each paycheck
52 week rule: (save $1 on week 1, 2$ week 2, and so on for 52 weeks)
$3 every day
6% of each paycheck
That’s it! It’s sooo simple and you can pause the savings at any time if money is tight for you. There is a low cost per month (like $3) to use the app, but alllll the money you effortlessly save pays for itself in a second. I am three years into using this app (do I sound hipster???) but it truly is WILD how quickly the money adds up—if I could only have one app on my phone, this would be it. I can’t wait for you to try it!
The best part? If you set up your account now with this link and enter the code jq9657yh, you get anywhere from $5 to $20 fo’ free in your Qapital account. (They change the bonus sign-on gift alllll the time but you’ll AT least get $5 if you use my referral link!)
mindset matters:
I simply cannot talk about saving money for travel without talking about an abundance mindset in terms of cultivating wealth. Guys, there is so much power to your thoughts—stop telling yourself the lies “I can’t afford that plane ticket,” or “I don’t have enough money to go Hawaii.”
The words you tell yourself create your reality—I really believe that. Shift your thoughts from “I could never afford that” to “It’ll take some intentional saving, but I will go to Hawaii this year.” Sooooo first rule: stop telling yourself you can’t afford something. You can. It might take a bit of time, a bit of intention, a bit of budgeting—but you can get there. Take this moment to fully remind yourself that travel is within your reach, friend. It is in your control. It doesn’t have to wait for “someday” or “when I make more” or...
Life is happening right now—start creating the life you’ve dreamed of! And that starts with showing graitutue for everything you do have in this moment, but also knowing you can obtain anything you wish. (If you’re interested in learning more about manifesting wealth or cultivating an abundance mindset with money, you have to read the book You Are a Badass At Making Money. It is hilarious, powerful, and truuuuuly transformed my money mindset. It is worth every bit of hype.)
book your places to stay:
Okay, back to the tangible travel tips. Please, please, please do not pay for a full-price hotel when you travel. That is one of the easiest ways to throw your money away. For so long hotels have had a monopoly…they were the only place to stay on a vacation so they could charge wild amounts. But now, thanks to 2019 and the internet, there are soooo many other options that are much more convenient, unique, and spacious…. And they save you money.
We pretty much exclusively use Airbnb and Vrbo when we travel. Not only do you get a unique experience, you get a lot more say in WHERE exactly you want to be, what type of space you want to be in, etc. Example: if you want to stay in the middle of the mountains, you won’t be able to find a Holiday Inn hotel…but you can find some cabins that you could rent. This allows you many more choices and convenience for a totally specific-to-you experience because you can pick and choose exactly what you are looking for. (PSSST: if you want to save even more cash-ola, this link will save you $40 off your first Airbnb booking!)
Here are some of the places that Adam and I have stayed through Airbnb and Vrbo that were totally off the map and one thousand percent memorable and amazing:
why you should travel airbnb…..
(not to mention that ALL of these were under $90 per night….)
The places above are some of the more quirky and unique Airbnbs that were more outdoorsy, but we also use them for more “normal” places to stay in cities. We prioritize location, location, location! We do research on which area of a city we want to be in (example: the Hawthorne neighborhood of Portland, or State Street in Austin, Texas) and then search around that area. Being able to walk to dinner, parks, restaurants, and coffee shops is SO important to us (and hey, you save money on Ubers!)
Once we narrow down our neighborhood, we search for Airbnb listings in that area, look for places that have a kitchen (more on this later), and from there, we just pick ones that are fun, well-decorated, and in our price range! I am obsessed with staying in Airbnbs because I HATE how nearly every hotel feels the exact same (beige colors everywhere, two beds with starchy sheets, bad art…) but with Airbnb you can shop around for a place that is your style which I love. We typically spend $60–$120 per night using Airbnb—while hotels range anywhere from $150–$300 per night. Long ramble short: stop wasting your money on hotels. Use Airbnb instead for a wayyyy more unique, memorable, (and affordable) trip! BONUS: if you wanna try Airbnb, this link will save you $40 off your next vacation! Say whaaaaa??
save money on flights:
There isn’t too much of a secret here besides do not wait to book your flights. Pricing climb climb climbs the closer you get to your date. I usually finalize our flights 3–4 months before our trip to ensure that *I* get to choose the times, flights, layovers, etc. For continental US travel, we typically spend $250–$300…not $500–$700 like a last-minute flight.
BONUS POINTS: pack in a carry-on. You can do it, I promise! I packed for a whole two-week trip to Europe in a carry-on and I never felt that I had a lack of clothing. The secret is to stick to a color scheme (for me: blacks/whites/tans/olive greens) that can all be mixed ‘n’ matched. How many times do you go on a trip and realize you only wore 40% of what you packed? Yikes. Carry-ons are THE way to go. Not only do you save $30–$70 from the airline by not checking a bag, you do not have to wait for your baggage to arrive when you land (which allows YOU first dibs/cheaper prices on the Uber airport pick-ups)
…and not to mention, you don’t risk the dreaded “lost luggage” scenario.
Here is the backpack “carry-on” suitcase of your dreams. We use this specific pack for everything from backpacking camping trips allll the way to traveling to a city. You can fit soooo much in here and it is so comfy. Highly recommend for destinations where you will be walking to your hotel/Airbnb—like Europe! Like who really wants to be rolling a suitcase on the cobblestone streets of Rome or carrying a roller up the 5 flights to your Paris Airbnb???? I think backpacks are SO underrated for travel…they are carry-on size and I’m convinced I can fit more into this bag than a traditional suitcase. :)
We also do have a “more traditional” roller suitcase carry-on. We use Away suitcases. (Nooooo, I was NOT given an Away suitcase. I know these things are allllll over on Instagram influencers. But they are ACTUALLY such great suitcases.) Adam’s sister bought us one for Christmas and we love how durable it is (and how much stuff you can cram into it!). I didn’t know it was possible to LOVE a suitcase, but I do! Highly highly recommend the Away brand! (I know they are spendy so I found some Away-style knock offs here, here, and here that are more affordable and have stellar reviews!)
let’s talk about food:
First things first, go to a grocery store! This is always Adam’s and my first vacation stop so that we can stock up on the fundamental grocery needs. This is probably the biggest money saving trip of our vacation—instead of going out to eat for every breakfast, lunch, and dinner (causing us to spend some major $$$$), we save money by making our own breakfasts/lunches/brunches. This is why we always look for Airbnbs with kitchens! Having a simple kitchen ensures that we can have a place to prepare simple, healthy (and inexpensive!) meals in the comfort of our own place. It is so easy and frees up time for you to actually EXPLORE your city instead of worrying about each meal. And don’t get me wrong—we LOVE going out to eat, but we just prioritize going out for only dinner when we travel. Breakfast and lunch are simple and on our own, and then we invest our money in a dinnah! It’s soooo easy and saves so, so much money. Just go grocery shopping once and then you’re set! Below is the makeshift list that we use. We purposefully pick ingredients that can combine and mix ‘n’ match so we have lots of options!
-Eggs (scramble them, poach them, boil them, etc.)
-Cherry tomatoes (to add to egg scrambles and/or salads)
-Mushrooms (to add to egg scrambles and/or salads)
-Avocados (to add to egg scrambles and/or salads)
-Kale/Spinach (to add to egg scrambles and/or to the pre-made salad kits for bulk)
-Pre-made salad kits (that way you don’t have to by 8975 ingredients to make an exciting salad)
-Rotisserie chicken (to add quality protein to salads/charcuterie board)
-Chips (snack)
-Apples (snack + can be used with charcuterie board below)
-Coffee/tea (because, duh.)
CHARCUTERIE BOARD INGREDIENTS (make your own happy hour!):
-3–4 good cheeses
-2–3 good meats
-Gluten-free crackers
-Some sort of jelly/honey
-2–3 bottles of wine
-Beer (for Adam)
There ya have it! I highly recommend investing about $100 into the groceries above instead of spending $20–$40 on each and every breakfast and lunch! It may not be as “exciting” as going out to eat for every meal but it’s a whole lot simpler, healthier, and cheaper!
planes, trains, and automobiles:
Ahhh, renting a car. We don’t have to rent cars often when we travel, but we have done it twice now. The thing to learn: pick a car rental place that is NOT at the airport. Yup, you read correctly. The car rental places at the airport are very convenient (but the prices are very marked up). For example, to rent a car in Portland directly from the airport car rental services, it would’ve been $380 for the week. I looked at a car rental place 6 miles from the airport and it was $149 for the same amount of time…YUP. A difference of $231 simply to take a 10 minute Uber drive to the car rental place instead of picking it up at the airport. Yup, I’ll take that.
Also, I want to re-emphasize how important it is to pick your Airbnb in the location you want. The simplicity and ease of being able to walk is game changing. However, if there is something we want to see that’s a bit farther away, we will often rent bikes! It’s such a fun way to see the city and the most subtle, easy form of exercise to sneak in. You don’t have to pay for parking, you can get there quickly, and you’re able to see the city from a new lens! Many cities have rentable bike stations on the sidewalk where you just pay a few dollars to have the bike for a day—we did this in Austin, and absolutely loved it. And don’t get us wrong, we definitely Uber/Lyft, but just always ask yourself, “Could I walk or bike there?” It gives you a chance to see the city more closely and swing in and out of cute shops! Big point here: don’t mindlessly spend your money on Ubers if your destination is reachable by bike or foot—you’ll get to see the city from a new perspective!
prioritize your experiences/expenses:
Alright, friends. This kind of goes with our philosophy on cooking our own breakfast/lunch. We would rather save that money by cooking for ourselves and use it money for something else like going on a fishing tour or going to museums or going out to a really nice dinner. This extends to small choices too—like not buying any souvenirs and instead using that money for a fun patio happy hour. (Quick unrelated side note on the topic of souvenirs: the world’s best souvenir is a polaroid camera and film. This camera has given me, hands down, my favorite keepsakes from traveling. No cheap t-shirt could ever capture the spirit of a vacation the way this lil camera does.)
There’s no super secret rule here but just plan ahead and prioritize what is worth it to you. In Austin, it was splurging on tickets to a music festival and cutting back on going out to eat. In Alaska, we stayed in more simple lodging so that we could do an island boat tour and eat at a 4-star restaurant hidden away on an island 40 minutes from land! It’s those little swaps that end up saving you money but still giving you a memorable experience. Main rule of travel: you can do anything—but not everything.
And, there we have it! 8 hacks, tips, and tricks that have easily saved us thousands of dollars! In summary…
Make a plan! Block off a week and COMMIT.
Start savin’ that money! Make specific, actionable goals. (This is where Qapital is game changing.)
Shift your thoughts from “I can’t afford to travel…” to “I will find a way to travel…” (Is this hard for you? Read. This. Book.)
Book your flights early + travel with a carry-on! (Need a carry-on? Here, here, here, or here. are some great options.)
Book your trips using Airbnb to save hundreds of dollars without even trying. (Click here for $40 off your 1st booking! Cha-ching!)
Buy groceries once you arrive + have simple breakfasts/lunches.
Get creative with how you explore! Walk, bike, scooter—have fun using exercise to get around!
Skip spending money on souvenirs and opt for a polaroid camera + film instead! Best. Keepsakes. Ever.
Prioritize your experiences: what is the ONE thing you would be upset if you didn’t do? Make that a MUST.
That’s a wrap! With a few minor tweaks and adjustments, you will be on your way to one affordable, wonderful trip! I would love to hear your biggest takeaway…anything that surprised you? Burning questions? Anything you want me to cover more in depth? I could cover soooo much more. I didn’t even scratch the surface of camping (the absolute cheapest travel route!), coordinating big trips, planning out hikes, sights, etc. Lemme know in the comment section below. I read every single one! :)
Bon voyage! (or something equally cheesy…)
PSSSST: Did you know that those who are signed up for The Foundation Blog emails knew about this post 48 hours before anyone else????
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