How to Make Spinach Last Longer: My Fool-Proof Method

how to make spinach last longer

We have alllllll been there—the moment when we feel inclined to have a healthy meal, a big ol’ salad, a massive serving of vegetables…annnnnnnd then we open the fridge to see soggy, slimy, rotting spinach. *Wooooomp, womp, woooomp.* 

I don’t know about you, but I basically live in a never-ending cycle of buying greens, eating them fresh for a few days, annnnnd BOOM they’re soggy & inedible out of nowhere. Then, buying more greens to replace the old ‘n’ nasty ones, having a fresh salad or two, annnnd finding them rotten a few days later. Rinse & repeat.

A few months ago, I was tired of finding YET ANOTHER soggy batch of kale leaves, and decided to problem-solve this rotten, green, slimy spinach, money-wasting dilemma. AKA, I did what any millennial would and Googled it. Hahahaha. After scouring the internet and reading 893724893798342 recommendations, I found 3 simple methods that I was most called to…and I ended up combining them into one super-sonic, salad-saving, spinach-salvation machine! (Should I trademark that? I think I should trademark that.) Because this simple method took my greens from lasting days to WEEKS. Yes, really.

It’s super simple: 3 products, 3 steps, and your greens are gonna be fresh! CAN I GET A KALE YEAH?!?!?! (Pity laughs not required, but encouraged.)

here’s what you’ll need:

To make your crisp & fresh salad dreams come true, all you’ll need are 3 simple items: organic dish towels, salad greens storage, and Bluapple. Are these the most “fun” purchases? No. But will they pay for themselves when you don’t have to replace and buy extra greens every time you go to the grocery store? YUUUUP. Not only does spoiled greens waste your money, it wastes food. (Cough, cough…food waste is one of the largest contributors to climate change.) These 3 simple purchases will help ya solve the #RottenSpinachProbz, cut down on your food waste, simplify your time in the produce aisle, and ultimately save ya money in the long run. Not to mention, your fresh & crisp kale will thank you. *Wink.* 

While these 3 things are definitely some of those #adulting purchases that don’t feel very fun—they are definitely worth it in the long run. While I wasn’t ~GiDdY~ when I pressed “order confirmed,” I can say 100000% that all of these were worth it and have already paid for themselves—one $5 bag of organic spinach at a time. :)

step one:

Once you buy your greens from the store, remove them from their packaging and grab a towel. (You could use any towel, but we personally went cold turkey on paper towels 2 years ago. It was a lot easier than I thought—now we just use these reusable organic cotton towels instead.) Take the towel and gently dab your greens to absorb any excess moisture. You don’t have to be perfect or take forever to do this, but just do the best you can! By getting your greens as dry as possible, you are setting yourself up for success!

step two:

Transfer your now-dry greens to this specific container. This little thing was quite literally designed to keep greens fresh—annnnnnd it works. I’ve been SO impressed (and, um, a little surprised) that I truly did notice a difference in how long my produce lasts. The double layer design & strategic air vents keep the greens slightly elevated off the sides of the basin, which keeps the leaves dry and aerated, allowing them to last much longer. Also, while this isn’t really the point, I like how organized these make my fridge feel (ha!). I’ve really, really liked these. I use the big ones for greens and the smaller for things like berries, cherry tomatoes, etc.

step three:

Now the apple on top. (Get it…like cherry on top…ha? Ha? Ha?). The final step is to throw this little guy into your storage container! The Bluapple gadget absorbs ethylene gas, which is the compound that produce releases on its own (which expedites the rotting process). By absorbing this gas, it maaaajorly slows down the decay process and keeps your greens fresher for much longer! You literally just toss it in your storage container & it’ll work it’s magic! Also, important to note that it is certified organic & nontoxic! I didn’t use the apple at first, but once I did, I genuinely noticed a tangible shift in how much fresher my greens stayed after I added it. Highly recommend!  

the salad saving starter kit

theee secret:

There ya have it! The secret to making those greens fresh & crisp for muuuuch longer. If you’re reading this blog, I’m gonna guess that eating healthy food is important to you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you invest in quality, organic, nourishing items when you grocery shop, and that you view your food choices as an investment…an investment in your health, mental clarity, and vitality. Sooooo, since you invest in this food at time of purchase, shouldn’t you also invest in how you store it to make the most of it? I think so.

It’s time to save some money, reduce your food waste, and open your fridge to FRESH spinach for once! Ya ready? Let me know if you found this helpful! I love hearing from you. :)

Also, if you’re ready for more salad goodness—check out one of my favorite salad recipes, this 3-ingredient dressing, and my personal grocery shopping list & (free) nutrition ebook!


but wait… there’s more :)