A New Way Of Sharing... Introducing My Substack, "The Reset"

a new way of sharing—

Over the last 4+ years, I have built up my online platform, The Foundation Blog (AKA, what you’re reading right now, lolzzzz) where I dig into all things science-backed wellness, intentional living, & holistic self-care.

And while the blog has been (and will continue to be) a great place to build my platform and business, “The Reset” is where I intend to really invest my time, energy, and focus! I’m in this for the lonnnnng game, hunnay!

The blog is great. But it was time for something new.

And “The Reset” is where my heart (and work) will truly shine.

Okay, Kate… but what is “The Reset” ?!

After creating FREE content on my blog & instagram for the past 4+ years….

I was feeling the calling for MORE. A way to monetize for my voice, education, and expertise AND be able to create freely. honestly. (in a way that didn’t involve chasing the ever-changing algorithm or pressure to take #sponsored posts)

In my soul, I was craving a *different* way of sharing.

Should I start a youtube? A podcast? Tiktok? A patreon?

I considered all of these things seriously…

But none of them felt ~right~

….and then I found substack ;)

Substack 101:

Substack is a unicorn, god-send, holy-crap-this-is-the-perfect-platform-for-me opportunity.

Because it allows me to create *freely* in a variety of ways. Solely for the people who truly want it.

How it works? You can subscribe (for just a few bucks per month!) and I will create EXTRA content exclusively for you, my paid subscribers!

This new platform will be all The Foundation Blog look + feel you’ve come to know from me, but more concentrated, more direct, more purposeful, more intimate, and away from the white noise of social media.

and so. much. more. versatile.

I can share audio files— podcast style! I can share videos— youtube style! I can share personal reflections, essays, and writings— without being limited by a caption character limit. I can curate recipes, host virtual book clubs, create community by engaging in forums & discussions— eee!

and monetize MY voice. MY knowledge. MY education. MY writing.

in a way that feels AUTHENTIC and ethical and *right* to me.

Insert: The Reset.

what you get—

  • 6 INTENTIONAL *EXTRA* PIECES OF CONTENT PER MONTH: where i will cover health, self-care, and lifestyle topics in a variety of formats— written (blog post style!), audio files (podcast style!), video trainings (youtube style!)

  • HOLISTIC (AND REALISTIC) HEALTH TOPICS: This. This is my training. my passion. my expertise. As a registered nurse with my doctorate in integrative health, I will be sharing evidence-backed holistic remedies that feel REALISTIC to implement (even into a busy life).

  • NOURISHING RECIPES: Ooooooh, GET READY. This will be my primary place of sharing delicious *and* nourishing recipes to keep you fueled! (Pssssst: I am known for my EASY recipes. AKA no 90584039845-ingredients meals with exotic herbs here)

  • COMMUNITY! Oooooh, I am so excited for this. Paid subscribers will also have access to group discussions and purposeful conversation. This is a place where like-minded women can connect with one another and talk about whatever their hearts’ desire.

  • PERSONAL AUDIO REFLECTIONS & GUIDED MEDITATIONS: Every so often, I will record audio tracks (think: podcast style) where I recap a topic, a life stage, maybe a meditation, a lesson…. Again, the options are limitless

  • BONUS ACCESS TO SPOTIFY PLAYLISTS & JOURNAL PROMPTS: Each week, I will sprinkle in my fav product of the moment, my go-to song of the moment, my peresonal spotify playlists, and intentional writing proimpts inviting your to dig deeper, live with intention, and clarify your purpose.

  • PERSONAL Q+As WITH ME: where you can ask me ANYTHING and I will answer it in either written, audio, or video format. I am definitely feeling the desire to be more personal on this platform— as it won’t have as many “wandering eyes” as the social media world. The beauty of this subscription platform is that is much more likely to be filled only with people who WANT to be here and WANT to support me, and that makes me excited to peel back the curtain a bit more :)

  • FOREVER ACCESS: Also, don’t worry if you’re joining “late”. Paid subscribers will be able to access every hidden I’ve ever written. So, don’t fret if you miss a post or sign up for a membership after launch.

I hope you’ll consider a membership (for just a few bucks a month!) in order to start receiving “The Reset”. Thank you for supporting my small business!

an invitation for you—

So, as I sit here today, in my chilly Minnesota basement “office” (I say the term loosely as I am literally 2.6 feet away from a laundry pile as we speak),

I would like to ~formally~ (AKA casually & friendly & passive-agressive-midwestern-ly) invite you to my new offering,

“The Reset”: a digital newsletter reminding you to slow down, take care, and live with intention.


^^^if you just want the cliff notes (I ain’t judgin’), skip on over to 1:38

Why Subscribe?

  • In subscribing, you are supporting my small business and allowing me to share authentically, creatively, and with purpose (without chasing #sponsorships or the ever-changing algorithm)

  • Because, here’s the deal— helping people find VIBRANT, sustainable health matters to me. Deeply. It's more than a job for me—it's a passion.

  • I want to write more content specifically for the people that WANT to read it – and create with more depth, creativity, purpose, and meaning.

  • What you can expect: 3 purposeful newsletters per month where I will share busy-person-approved ideas on health, self-care, and lifestyle topics. 

Basically, if you are looking for TANGIBLE ways to upgrade your well-being, mindset, & productivity— this is the spot for you.

This EXCLUSIGVE digital subscription newsletter will cover alllll things self-care, nutrition, holistic health, and intentional living—

but in a down-to-earth & grounded & realistic kinda way, ya know? ;)

because (as you know), while I do have all the #credentials, I like to have FUN. you can expect terrible puns, some typos (okay, okay, maybe a lot of typos...), *relatable* health guidance, and just general #humanness. Perfection is not something I’m interested in promoting (or portraying).

This is wellness— but real-life-approved.

*pinkie promise*

to sum it up—

Meet The Reset, my friend. My brand new Substack where I will be showing up intentionally each & every week.

In this new offering, I am going to get a lot more personal and create more quality, versatile, realistic health & holistic self-care content…. (guided meditations! nourishing recipes! Q&As!) in a way that serves YOU.

I promise to give you VALUE in every single post— delivered straight to your inbox.

And I’d be so honored to have your support in this venture.

Let’s get healthy together, eh?!

…and have some fun along the way, too ;)


a peek at the first posts on The Reset:

what you get as a free subscriber:

  • Can’t afford The Reset right now? Just want to wait ‘n’ see if it’s a good fit? No sweat! Accessibility is important to me.

  • While I’D LOVE to have you as a paid subscriber, by signing up for the free subscription, you will start receiving my monthly “normal” monthly email newsletter!

  • To be clear— this is not the full “Reset” experience, but it will give you 1-2 free posts per month as a taste of what I’m all about :)

  • It’s 100% free and has 23,000+ readers! Enjoy :) Sign up for the “free” plan below and you can expect 1-2 free emails from me every single month. Welcome to the party!