Can Seed Cycling Seeds Really Help Your Menstrual Cycle? Here’s My Story…
Okay ladies. We’ve all been there. You’re lovin’ life, feeling energized, passionate, and driven. Your skin is clear. You’re ready to take on the world. (You’re ovulating) And THENNNNNN… Backaches. Acne. Cravings. Bloating. Mood swings. An insatiable urge to eat a bagel (or 87). Yelling at your partner for breathing too loudly. Tearing up while watching a cartoon animal commercial. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, the wild ride of PMS.
Being “hormonal” can have a bad rep, but I like think of it in a different way. It’s because our hormones are so beneficial that we feel and take notice when they ebb & flow. Fluctuation is not a bad thing— it’s natural! Hormones shift because they’re designed to flow in a cyclic pattern to support ovulation and our body’s natural rhythm.
Take-home point: if you’re going to have female hormones, they ARE going to fluctuate…. but can seed cycling really help make these shifts in hormone levels more pleasant and easy to navigate???
If you’ve been around for a while, you know how passionate I am about women’s health...annnnndddddd how much I love natural, holistic health remedies. I am by no means anti-medicine, but I haaaaaaave been known to utilize acupressure for cramps and bloating or turn to natural pain relievers for hormonal headaches. And when it comes to my cycle, I definitely try to support it with a holistic and knowledge-based approach.
One of the methods I came across when I was learning about how to support my cycle naturally is seed cycling… AKA the pattern of eating certain seeds (flax, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower) during certain parts of your menstrual cycle to help balance and regulate your hormones and help with estrogen and progesterone regulation.
TBH? I kinda thought this was too good to be true (or a lil too woo-woo… but more about that later) However, skepticism aside, it felt SO simple and easy to implement that I figured I would give it a try. (Worst case scenario? I’d just be having a few more delicious nuts and seeds in my day. Low risk, high reward, ha!)
my personal experience with seed cycling:
Before seed cycling, my cycle was fine. Not bad, but not great. I had a pretty heavy period that would last about 6 days. But what I hated more, was always getting some deep painful hormonal breakouts on my jawline and inevitably being hit with an infamous PMS headache 1-2 days before my cycle. Again, not bad, but not perfect.
But after a few months & menstrual cycles of implementing seed cycling, I noticed something… waaaaait a second— my breakouts were…. better? My cycle shortened went from 6 days to 4 days? and my like-clockwork ALL DAY p.m.s. headache was gone???? Now of course this could’ve been due to multiple factors. But it did happen to line up with consistent seed cycling. Coincidence? Maybe. But the timing of it all felt very aligned….
I continued with seed cycling (I’m about 18 months in) and I can genuinely say my cycle is SO regular now (28 days every. month. like. clockwork.), my period is shorter and lighter (from 6 days of heavy bleeding to 4 days of moderate flow. PRAAAISE.), my hormonal acne is literally nonexistent (this is the biggest WOW for me), and PMS symptoms like headaches and bloating are sooo much easier to manage.
Is this subjective, anecdotal evidence? Totally. Remember, this is my personal experience. But I am truly not blowing smoke—I notice a tangible difference in bloating, cramps, hormonal acne, headaches, and my period length on the months I am less diligent on seed cycling. I dropped the ball for about 3 months and boooom- the acne. the headache. the heavy bleeding. all came back. I was honestly kind of shocked.. because I did think seed cycling helped, but I didn’t know it made that much of a difference.
A few extra seeds and a huuuuuge difference? Sign. Me. Up. If you’re interested in trying out seed cycling for yourself, keep readin’!
seed cycling: the data…. ???
Here’s why I am struggling with this post… I wanted to share how positive my experience was, but you all know I am all about sharing evidence-backed information. But the reality is, I cannot find a single. study. done. on seed cycling… Like, whatsoever. Seed cycling is generally considered very “woo woo”, and clearly the effort hasn’t been put into researching it. It’s not that I am finding bad evidence on it— it’s that I am finding no evidence or research on it. Whatsoever. At all.
Most reports of seed cycling are anecdotal (like my story I just shared above), but I find support in the fact that seed cycling has been practiced for a verrrrrry long time and many women (like me!) have had a great experience with it. Ultimately, I did decide to share this blog post even with the lack of solid evidence because there’s likely little risk to bringing some seeds into your life daily. In fact, there may be other health benefits to eating seeds including increased dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein :)
AND, I just want to be clear, I am not one of those reckless online health ~iNfLuenCers~ that will tell you seed cycling will fix ALL your womanly woes. Nope, not here. For ANY issues with your cycle, hormone concerns, or other question about your reproductive health, pleeeease seek out your provider, OBGYN, or endocrinologist to find the right recommendations for you and your health needs. This post is purely informational, and I recommend getting any and all medical advice from your healthcare provider.
While eating a few more seeds probably won’t do you any harm, I want to be clear that there’s no firm evidence to suggest seed cycling has a significant benefit for hormonal health or balancing hormones. But in lack of formal research on “seed cycling”, I wanted to share my personal story and then break down why the basis of it makes sense and could prove beneficial…
here’s the theory on seed cycling:
While I couldn’t find any studies specifically on seed cycling as a whole, I could find some specific evidence-backed information around the individual seeds and basis of seed cycling. So…. giddy up, because this is the background on seed cycling!
On the most simple level, there is the belief that these seeds contain specific vitamins, nutrients, and fatty acids that could support the optimal hormonal function of estrogen and progesterone during their different dominant phases of the cycle.
Magnesium, zinc, and selenium are important components to hormone health and they are found readily in these seeds/nuts!
One study found that when women supplemented with flax there were fewer anovulatory cycles, and the average luteal phase was longer.
Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, and studies have associated zinc with decreases in menstrual cramps.
Sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are high in vitamin E . Some findings have associated that vitamin E might increase progesterone.
The thought that these seeds work because of lignans found in the seeds (these are polyphenols found in high concentrations in these nuts/seeds). This can help fight oxidation, support the reproductive system, and assist in managing oestrogen levels, as well as reducing the stress hormone, cortisol.
Here’s why it matters: hormonal variations in estrogen and progesterone can influence the menstrual cycle and cause symptoms ranging from bloating, acne, weight fluctuations, anovulatory cycles, infertility, etc. While some people look to hormonal birth control to regulate these symptoms, but if you’re trying to regulate your cycle in a natural way, your options can feel quite limited. I want to be clear, seed cycling is likely NOT a fix-all for your cycle, but it could be a tool in helping to regulate and optimize your cycle.
Why does this matter? Seed cycling can help us more effortlessly manage the ebb and flow of our hormones and maximize the benefits of each! For example, estrogen boosts serotonin and oxytocin (give me them goooood feels!). It also improves mood and libido, and is 100000% crucial for proper ovulation (the release of your egg & the most fertile you are during your cycle). Later in your cycle, progesterone is the star as it prepares the body for a possible pregnancy while offering more of soothing and calming effects because it can connect with GABA receptors. It is also a GREAT anti-inflammatory, helps to prepare the body for pregnancy, and supports thyroid function.
In summary, pumpkin and flax in eaten in the first half of the cycle are thought to support the estrogen-dominant follicular phase. Likewise, sunflower and sesame seed supplementation are thought to support progesterone in the luteal phase.
how to seed cycle
throw the seeds on anything! here i had blended the flax into my smoothie & topped with pumpkins seeds for a little crunch & fun toppings!
THE BASICS: Okay, so you’re interested… here is HOW to do it! You will eat 1 spoonful each of flax/pumpkin from day 1 of your cycle to approximately day 14. Then you will stop taking the flax/pumpkin and switch to sesame and sunflower seeds from day 15-28. The seeds can be ground or eaten whole— however you please! You can blend them into smoothies, sprinkle them on your oatmeal, mix them in protein balls, top your salads, soups, etc. However you want to consume them!
STEP 1: Approximately Day 1 to Day 14, or until ovulation
During this phase, consume 1 tablespoon each of freshly ground raw flax seeds and pumpkin seeds daily from day one of your period until the day before you ovulate (SIGNS of ovulation: look for cervical mucous that is raw egg white consistency, you can use period tracking apps, or ovulation strips). Phase 1 (the follicular phase of your cycle) should be about two weeks for most people. You can throw the seeds on a salad, put them in a smoothie, use them to top your yogurt...any way you can get in a spoonful of these seeds.
STEP 2: Approximately Day 15 to Day 28, or until period begins
During this phase, STOP consuming the flax/pumpkin and switch to consuming 1 tablespoon each of sunflower seeds and sesame seeds daily from the day of ovulation until the day before the first day of your period. Phase 2 (the luteal phase of your cycle) should also last about two weeks for most people. Use them in protein balls, make some homemade granola, mix them in with your cereal, toss a handful on some avocado toast...however it works best for YOU. Just get a spoonful of each in per day.
Note: I’m basing this off an average cycle length, which is 28 days. You may need to adjust a little based on the length of your own personal cycle! Essentially you want to eat the flax/pumpkin seeds from day 1 of your cycle (the start of your period) to ovulation (approximately on day 15. This is the release of the egg & your most fertile). Then, you would switch to sesame/sunflower seeds from the day after ovulation to the end of your cycle (the day before your period starts). If you don’t have a period, you could just pick when you want to start day 1 and follow the pattern on your own! I encourage you to pay attention to your body’s natural rhythms and understand the signs of ovulation/period before they begin. This may take time, but will get easier with each cycle! Getting to know your body & your cycle is so powerful.
where i get my seeds:
Always make sure to get organic so you make sure you’re sourcing the best quality seeds. Here are a few that I’ve ordered: organic pumpkin seeds / organic flax seed / organic sesame seeds / organic sunflower seeds
But often time I’ll get mine through Thrive Market when I order pantry staples. I love that with Thrive I can find high-quality, all-natural foods sooooo much cheaper than the grocery store (and that it ships straight to my door). Healthy food that is 20-30% cheaper than grocery stores that ships straight to your door. High quality for a low price? Yes, please! On top of that— you can get an extra 25% off and free shipping with this link— not sponsored— just a classic refer-a-friend coupon! Enjoy!
be patient & consistent:
I want to be clear that seed cycling is likely not a “quick fix”, but rather a lifestyle tool that can be used consistently over time. Some women notice improvements in their cycle within the first month, but for most women, it’ll take about 3 months. Our bodies are all unique and we react to things on our timeline, our own natural rhythms, and with our own body’s response. Be patient! And, again, if you are having persistent issues with your cycle, I truly, truly recommend working with your healthcare provider.
to sum it up:
To wrap it up, this is really easy to implement a method that could help support your cycle. I’ve personally had a GREAT experience with seed cycling, and it’s had a huge impact on my PMS and period symptoms! Everyone’s cycle is different, and this may or may not have as big of an impact for you as it had for me. But it’s a low cost, low risk, potentially hiiiiiiiiigh reward holistic health tip that could support your hormones and make your cycle BETTER. Why not give it a try? :)
Have you tried seed cycling? Are you excited to get started? Do you have any questions? Drop me a comment! I truly LOVE hearing from you and I read every single one.
Happy seed cycling!
In a nutshell…
Days 1–14 (follicular phase) of your cycle: add a spoonful each day of organic flaxseed and organic pumpkin seeds
Days 15–28 (luteal phase) of your cycle: add a spoonful each day of sunflower seeds and sesame seeds
organic pumpkin seeds / organic flax seed / organic sesame seeds / organic sunflower seeds