My 6 Favorite Books For Integrative Health

the 6 integrative health books that changed my life

the 6 integrative health books that changed my life

Where are my bookworms at?! I had sooo much fun writing this post, as I truly consider the books on this list to be the ticket that led me to my current career path. The words found in these pages will elevate and inspire your own health as they further introduce you to the world of integrative health. They make big and intimidating topics manageable, approachable, and easy to implement!

I had such a hard time narrowing down this list, but below are my 6 favorite books about integrative health!

The Healing Self by Deepak Chopra, MD
Beautiful, poetic, inspiring… I mean, how can you go wrong with Deepak Chopra??? This book is divided up in a way that I really loved: The first part of the book is very hands-on about issues of nutrition, diet, reduction of inflammation in the body, stress, graceful aging, and mind-body coordination…. sooo much holistic goodness that was well-written and easy to digest.

Then you move into the more spiritual side of the book—I loved how this book explored the spiritual connection to health. It’s not as “science-y” as most integrative health books I choose to invest in, but I love how it made me feel. Loved, loved, loved it!

LINKS: Book / Kindle / Audio

Hormonal by Martie Haselton
Two things I value in integrative health reads: 1) using science in backing the statements, and 2) real-world examples. Check & check. Kudos to author Martie Haselton, because every single bit was backed by research… yet somehow it was one of the most fun reads I’ve had this year (yes, I just wrote “research” and “fun” in the same sentence).

This book dives into the topic of women’s hormones, which is one of my favorite health topics, and really looks through a “real-world” lens at why we do the things we do. Examples: how our cycle dictates who we are attracted to (prepare to LOL), why men are more attracted to ovulating women (cue me citing research about my “ovulation scent” to Adam whenever he seems particularly fond of me), and everything in between. I read this book in one weekend with a glass of wine and it was PERFECT. Loved. It.

LINKS: Book / Kindle / Audio

Food Rules by Michael Pollan
Let me start with the fact I have a crush on Michael Pollan’s brain. I consume EVERY book he comes out with and am blown away every time. In Defense of Food was one of the first books that truly challenged me to consider what I was putting in my body. Let’s just say his theory, “Eat FOOD—not food-like substances,” changed my life. In In Defense of Food, he writes in a greatly detailed, scientific style and ultimately settles on the secret to eating healthily: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

However, in Food Rules, he dives into his “eating rules” in a witty, easy-to-understand (yet scientific!) manner. He approaches writing with simplicity and research, and writes in a way that is captivating and humorous but still backed by science. This book outlines mini rules and guidelines to help us make informed eating decisions. None of these rules are overly restrictive, but all of them are SO helpful. A true must-read for all of you health nuts! If you have been wanting to clean up your diet, I 100000% recommend this book!

LINKS: Book / Kindle

The Period Repair Manual by Laura Briden

I am absolutely obsessed with this book and consider it my women’s health bible (BONUS: You don’t need a PhD to read it!). Lauren Briden, ND, describes the woman’s hormonal cycle in such an approachable, scientific, and NATURAL way. As someone who loves this topic, I found the information scientifically accurate *and* crazy motivating. I was inspired to learn my cycle better and take care of it through a more natural lens.

This book will help you manage your periods using natural, integrative health modalities like diet, supplements, herbs, and bioidentical hormones. Topics include…. (*drumroll please*): how to come off hormonal birth control, what your period should be like, what can go wrong, how to talk to your doctor, and some various recommendations for common period problems including PCOS and endometriosis. Laura Briden repeatedly speaks of "body literacy" and how it goes a long way toward understanding—and ultimately loving—our bodies. This book transformed how I understand and view my own cycle, and it truly was such a catalyst in my journey of becoming a holistic women’s health nurse practitioner.

Full disclosure: this book is not as “fun” as the others, but it is worth its weight in gold. Like I said, I truly consider it my women’s health bible. Basically, if you have a period, you should read this book. (Yes, you.)

LINKS: Book / Kindle / Audio

Low Tox Life by Alexx Stuart
I first found Alexx through her podcast, Low Tox Life, and the millisecond her book released I was allllll over it. And holy guacamole, it delivers! Not only is it current (released in October 2018), it is real-life approved. Alexx writes: “You don't need to be a full-time homesteader with a cupboard full of organic linens to go low tox. Start small, switching or ditching one nasty at a time, and enjoy the process as a positive one for you and the planet.”

The book focuses on four key areas—Body, Home, Food, and Mind—and helps you detoxify each. We’re talking endocrine disruptors, the consequences of plastic, harmful toxins, and the products that you *must* avoid to live your healthiest life. There are recipes, shopping tips, hacks for reducing waste… this book is a one-stop shop for a low tox life!

Links: Book

Food: What The Heck Should I Eat? by Dr. Mark Hyman
Dr. Mark Hyman is my soul brother. Is that a thing? I consume every podcast, every book, and every instagram post by this guy. He is genius, progressive, and so “real-world” in the way he teaches. I feel like integrative health can sometimes be portrayed as too complex: adaptogens, biohacking, colonics—WHAAAA?? While I have definitely worked my way to knowing and using these complex topics, Dr. Mark Hyman always shares his integrative ideas in a beginner-friendly, REAL-WORLD way.

This book is here to simplify alllll the nutrition info out there: ketogenic, organic versus nonorganic, fats, paleo, vegan (or “pegan” as Dr Hyman says)—he covers it all. In this book, he discusses 12 specific food groups (meat, poultry/eggs, milk/dairy, fish/seafood, vegetables, fruit, fats/oils, beans, grains, nuts/seeds, sugar/sweeteners, and beverages) and tells you what you *actually* need to know about each category to nourish your body. It also has 10-day detox diet and provides a meal plan & delish recipes… basically, it is worth every darn penny.  

LINKS: Book / Kindle / Audio

There ya have it! Books have been my “gateway drug” (um, gateway herb????) into the world of integrative health, and the more I read, the more I crave to learn even more about this growing world of holistic health. These specific books were crazy valuable in building my knowledge of integrative health. Read one, two, or all six of ‘em! Can’t wait to hear what you think!

looking for more integrative health? maybe more book recommendations?

i gotchu, girl: