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Once and for all, you wish that “being healthy” would be a natural, no-stress part of your lifestyle…

You’ve tried diets and workout programs and doing what your fav influencer does and, and, and… and, well, nothing has stuck.



You don’t need another “fix” found in endless Google searches or the next social media ad that promises to solve allll your problems.

You need a clear, yet simple & realistic, approach to health that seamlessly merges with your REAL life — even on the most chaotic, fullest of days. Because that’s what achieving “healthy living” is all about — learning to integrate micro-habits & rituals into daily life so that they’re no-brainers and you feel your absolute best, inside & out, day after day.




This is an 8-week program that will help you simplify what “being healthy” is all about

(AND how to actually stick with it)



you have a vision for what your ideal state of health could look like…

if only you could “stay on track.”

Yet, LIFE happens, as it’s known to do: busy schedules combined with an empty fridge and too-easy-to-click take-out apps, with a side of no spare time to consider what you actually NEED, mentally & physically, to thrive health-wise… let alone, to implement an action plan.

Whew. Been there, my friend. You are not alone.



if you’re finding yourself in a familiar loop of…

“starting over every Monday,” feeling uncomfortable in your body, low energy, confusion around what foods to eat, afternoon slumps, feeling sluggish, and just kind of…. blah

You’re in the right place.


The Foundations of Wellbeing

My 8-week LIVE group health coaching program that will finally make your vision health attainable and sustainable


okay, i’m interested… what’s included?




 chances are, you know the basics of what’s necessary to improve your health… 

But you don’t have…


Disposable time
(ain’t nobody got time to whip up a 17-ingredient healthy recipe every night, ya know?)

Boundless energy
(after a long day at work, the LAST thing I want to do is a complicated workout)

Ultimate clarity about what you *personally* need
(where do I even start?!)


True autonomy in this chapter of life
(if everyone else needs me, how do I focus on MY health?) 

The freedom to be able to commit to most health solutions
(I know what I should do… but I struggle to DO it)


If you mentally shouted “yes!” to any of ^^those,
The Foundations of Wellbeing is for you:

This step-by-step process will teach you the most foundational, impactful, most bang-for-your-buck healthy habits for YOUR life… *and* how to stick to them.



If you’re feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and unsure about the state of your health and how to improve it, or feel like you keep getting stuck doing the same things over and over (and, um, over) again—

I created this for you.


But before we run away with all the things that might’ve held you back in the PAST…

I need you to know, there actually IS a better way to achieve true health on your terms, in your life, just as it is.

There *is* a way for health to feel simple. Natural. Intuitive. Easy. 





As a board-certified health coach and registered nurse with a doctorate degree in integrative health, I’ve gathered research from my professional background and solutions based on personal experience to assemble a step-by-step, 8-week program to help reconnect, reinspire, and reboot your health

(yes, even if you’re busy… scratch that — especially if you’re busy)


 What you need is: 

  • A step-by-step framework to simplify & cut out all of the health noise & conflicting information

  • Accountability & guidance: each week, I will hold a LIVE group health coaching session to ensure you stay on track

  • A clear intention and connection to *your* unique why (pssst: it’s different for everyone)

  • A straightforward, no bull-crap, evidence-backed approach

  • A simple ROADMAP to reach your vision of health



  • being stressed by your health (instead of empowered)

  • often feeling uncomfortable in your skin, lacking confidence…

  • “starting again on Monday” (week after week)

  • having an unstable relationship with food and nutrition

  • FRUSTRATED by the lack of results (even when you feel you are doing everything “right”)

  • confused by the 903840298 different healthy messages on social media (allll with conflicting opinions, I might add),

  • and juuuust READY to feel confident, vibrant, and empowered in your health…


 This step-by-step process will teach you the most foundational, impactful, most-bang-for-your-buck healthy habits for YOUR life…

*and* how to stick to them.


 After completing this course, your views on health will shift from a state of…

  • Confusion about what to do to & which approach to take to discovering ultimate clarity

  • Overwhelmed by health fads & fixes to empowered to making the BEST choices for you 

  • Finding yourself in the “on again, off again” cycle to unearthing effortless consistency

  • Questioning whether you can stick with it to being confident in choosing (simple) actions that support your health

  • Inconsistent with your routines to committed (& excited!) to stick to your health goals

  • Defeated from “failed” attempts at past health endeavors to empowered in knowing this isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey


tired of “starting again on monday”?


This program is truly designed to be the last health program you need to invest in, because it will set you up for *living* an effortlessly healthy life.

This 8-week group health coaching program will make health feel SIMPLE & REALISTIC…

and sustainable. (no matter how crazy or chaotic your life may be).


because, ya wanna know the REAL problem?

(Spoiler…. It’s NOT YOU! It’s not your schedule, your commitment level, or your determination.)

Truth: Health these days feels honestly so. dang. complicated.

$11 green juices. Fancy fitness boutiques. Ads for teas and belly wraps promising to cut out bloat forever & ever, amen. Influencers sharing their newest “health obsession you HAVE to try” (keto and paleo and carb-free, oh my!). Conflicting information. Passionate extremes about which way is “right.”

It feels like the solution is always the next product, diet, or workout plan hawked your way — until you try it out and *womp, womp* it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Because, here’s the thing, those “solutions” aren’t designed to be long-term and to fit into your REAL life. (Ahem, marketing is funny like that, isn’t it?)

But I'm here to tell you it doesn’t HAVE to be that way…



- even when you’re short on time
- even when you’re short on energy
- even when you’re short on money
- even when you’re short on motivation

All it takes is learning to focus your energy on where it ACTUALLY matters — and guess what? That’s where The Foundations of Wellbeing comes in.


Still a tad unsure?

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

  • You want to be healthier, but feel confused on where to start and what to actually do

  • You’ve tried different health plans & bought certain “miracle” products, only to be left disappointed

  • You have an idea of what you’d like to feel like each day health-wise, but can’t seem to maintain consistency

If you mentally shouted “yes!” to any of these, just know you’re in good company.

I’ve felt these ways in the past — and like the only solutions had to be extreme or complicated — until I found that true, holistic health isn’t about overhauling your life like one big closet clean-out marathon. (Overwhelming much?)

It’s about learning & integrating the intentional, often-small tweaks & approaches to health that fit into real (read: BUSY) life… and are so simple that they’re a cinch to stick to for the long run.

Are you ready for sustainable health to finally feel DOABLE?


Don’t take just my word for it

Listen to what FOW students say about the program:




how is this different from every other health program out there?

Oooh, I am so glad you asked.

The reality is, none of this stuff is reinventing the wheel. We all know that reaching true health means prioritizing things like movement, nutrition, rest, hydration, and so on — but my approach isn’t a preachy way of saying you need to carve out 100 hours a week to get it done.

I will make “being healthy” feel REALISTIC and give you the accountability and guidance every step of the way in our group health coaching calls.

Not to mention, I have the credentials (like, I have my doctorate degree) to speak on what TRULY works, as well as the personal experience to share how to fit this stuff into full, fast-paced lives.


 Like, yes, we all know we should “eat healthy” but HOW do we do that, WHAT does that look like, WHY does it matter, WHAT mindset shifts are holding you back, HOW do you stay consistent with it?

You’ll learn the best ways to sustain long-term health that are ACTUALLY practical, applicable, and easy to stick with.


I don’t want to waste your time. I want to help you optimize it.

Unlike other programs that expect you to spend all your time taking back your wellbeing and that loooove to talk about the ~fancy~ components of health ($11 green juices, hot pilates classes, fancy herbs and supplements, you know the drill), The Foundations of Wellbeing will show you how YOU can be the guide to creating the healthiest version of YOUR life, regardless of what your other commitments look like. 

In this course, you’ll find the most foundational (yet game-changing) components to health… so you can strip away the unnecessary, the complicated, the overwhelming—and instead boil it down to the core, SIMPLE healthy habits that will get you the results you desire. 



Hi, friend. I’m Kate! 

…and here’s what sets me apart in a land of ~WeLLnEss InFluEnceRs~.

(Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate our digital world where information is endlessly at our fingertips… yet, as a consumer, I’ve found the different voices shouting THEIR way of reaching THEIR version of health to be overwhelming. Anyone else?)

As a registered nurse, board-certified health coach (trained by The Mayo Clinic), new mom & chronically over-booked individual (hi, #guilty), I merge evidence-based health research with personal experience for achieving true health in all its forms… including physical wellbeing, mindfulness, mental wellness & beyond. And in this course, I want to show you it doesn’t need to be so complicated, time-consuming, or costly to reach your own health goals. 

Let’s cut the fluff and get you the health results you’ve always wanted.


What’s inside The Foundations of Wellbeing?


An 8-module online course with video lessons on specific wellness topics, designed to be interactive and manageable to consume in your busy life

8 LIVE group health coaching calls to gather in community while I keep you accountable, share tips, answer questions, and discuss goals/progress. They will be held on Wednesdays from 12-1PM CST.

A beautiful, easy-to-follow course design with journal prompts, goal check-ins, and weekly inspiration to keep you on track with the program materials


Guided audio meditations for each week’s health topic — because research has found that meditation strongly impacts both mental & physical health

Weekly “assignments”: each week will outline a TANGIBLE way to *implement* that week’s lesson into YOUR life, in a realistic way


Ready to finally feel healthy for good?

(without the overwhelming or expensive solutions that *never* actually work?)

Join now for $333


this is NOT for you if…

  • Head’s up, I want to make sure you’re in the right place. 

  • If you’re looking for specific medical advice tailored to you, lab work, getting diagnosed, an individual health treatment plan, this isn’t the spot. Always work with your healthcare provider for diagnoses, prescriptions, lab work, and medical care. 

  • I want to write this again so I am SUPER clear – If you are looking for me to answer specific questions about your health, this isn’t a good fit. While I can answer GENERAL health questions to those who show up to the group health coaching calls, I will not be offering individual health advice, diagnosing, prescribing, etc. I really pride myself on sharing health information responsibly, and I will not be going outside of my scope of practice in this program.

  • Likewise, if you’ve already got a handle and feel confident in your nutrition, mindfulness, sleep, exercise, and so on — keep going with what’s working!

who *is* this course for?

  • Great question. This program is designed for the woman who is tired of feeling blah in her health– she is ready to feel confident, vibrant, EMPOWERED in her health. And I will be giving general, applicable, practical health information, ideas, and tweaks for those who are fed up with the state of their general health and haven’t found the healthy habits that fit their lifestyle.

  • This course is totally designed for EVERYDAY PEOPLE (just like you). If you’re busy, don’t have a ton of time for your health, feel confused on where to start, orrrr feel like you know exactly where to start (but struggle to stick with it and be consistent with your health.)

  • She WANTS to up-level her health, but feels overwhelmed, short on time, energy, and consistency. She is READY for the next level of her health.

  • If any of those^^^ resonate, there is a place for you here.

  • Think of it as a general health bootcamp that is designed to be realistic for everyday, “ordinary” people. I promise this isn’t about slugging a $14 green juice & going to fancy boutique fitness classes daily.


BIG PICTURE: this course is designed for your average woman in her DAILY life who simply is READY to upgrade her overall health.





Whole food nutrition, how to build meals in a way that actually keeps you full, what to “look for” in food, etc.


The HOW behind “healthy eating”. Tangible tips on how to make eating healthy realistic, cooking ideas, hydration, healthy hacks for blood sugar stabalizing, weight management, etc.


This one is alllll about sleep – how to get deeper, more restful, more rejuvenating sleep, WHY sleep matters (weight, hormones, etc.), optimal wake/sleep times, holistic hacks for sleep, etc.


Yes, we all know we “should” exercise, but what types are best, HOW do you actually fit in a busy day, how often, how to make it a habit, working out with your cycle, etc.



This module is all about stress management, self-care, curating purposeful morning routines, intentional evening routine, holistic ideas for stress management, meditation, etc.


Mmmm, this is your everyday life, but ~elevated~. How to optimize practical, “everyday” things – finding providers you like, cultivating a health-promoting environment, how to set yourself up for success, etc.


Once we’ve set the foundation, we learn holistic habits and integrative therapies as the cherry on top! We will cover a variety of integrative modalities and holistic habits so that you can find the ones that resonate for YOU.


Okay, we’ve learned it – but how do we STICK with it? This module is all about making a plan, setting goals, how to *actually* be consistent, prioritizing, habit stacking, etc. This is where we go from an 8-week course to a LIFESTYLE of healthy choices.


need proof?

I’ve worked with thousands (yes, literally thousands) of health coaching clients in my old corporate role.

I specialize in helping people reach THEIR health goals (because I firmly believe everyone’s vision of health is unique to them!)

I’ve been a nurse for 6+ years, teach university-level courses, and have my doctorate degree specialized in proactive, holistic forms of health…

And, now, for the first time, I am offering my health coaching services to the public!


all you have to do is…

True, vibrant, consistent health is within reach, I promise you that. Show up, do the work for 8 weeks & see how your life and health truly flourish in every way.

Eight weeks, in the scheme of life overall, is no time — and I’ve purposely designed this program to fit within the confines of your busy schedule. Let me help you unlock the simple, realistic ways that health can begin fitting into your world.

and I’ll take care of the rest…

I’ve got the rest covered! From sharing daily healthy hacks to guided meditations and 8 sessions of LIVE group health coaching, I’m here to lend my professional expertise and passion for healthy living the whole way through.

By the end of the program, you’ll feel equipped to integrate healthful habits and routines into YOUR life, to reach YOUR unique health goals… and feel the best you’ve ever felt.


Let’s be honest, this isn’t just about fitting into pair of jeans in the back of your closet. It’s sooo much more than skin-deep.


  • Simplifying routines that are so overwhelming

  • Feeling confident in who you are, inside + out, so you can show up fully for those who matter most to you

  • Building up consistency with your habits so they feel like easy non-negotiables

  • Living out your vision of health without self-judgment or that sneaky “all or nothing” mentality

  • Creating a truly vibrant, joy-filled lifestyle that FEELS good, energetic & uplifting, each and every da



  • A new module will open every Sunday over the course of 8 weeks. Each module is designed to be quick & easy to consume at only 90ish minutes per module, which you can do at any point throughout your week.

    The associated assignments, journal prompts, meditations, etc. are the cherries on top—they will help you to integrate the materials into REAL life, but again, won’t take more than 15 minutes per day so you can get into the habit of integrating health practices even on your busiest days.

  • Every Wednesday of the program, I will meet with you from 12:30-1:30PM CST! Tune in live to feel a sense of community, get access to exclusive Q&A, hear common roadblocks, inspirations, and ideas for improved health. These are value-PACKED.

    But no pressure if you can’t tune in live- each call is recorded so you can catch up & watch on your own time!

  • No problem — I get it, sometimes life gets beyond busy and other responsibilities take precedence.

    I urge you to try to fit the materials in by scheduling them into your week, but if you do get behind, you’ll have access to the course materials FOR SIX MONTHS after date of purchase.

    In those 6 months, you can access the materials as much as you like— taking advantage and re-watching modules, accessing the meditations, lessons, etc. for the entirety of the six months

  • No offense taken — I got ya. I designed a pretty tight refund policy only because I wanted to attract people committed to taking their health to the next level (and protect the digital nature of my course). But it’s my guarantee to you if the course lets you down, and you think the whole thing stinks, just show me your work and let me know what I could do better, and I’ll offer 100% of your money back in the first 20 days.

    I want to make sure your experience is worth every penny, and if it isn’t, I’m more than happy to return your money. Just contact with proof of completing modules 1 through 3 in the first 20 days and their associated assignments, and let me know what I could improve, and I’ll send over your refund.

  • While this is an 8-week LIVE group health coaching program, you’ll have access to the course materials for SIX MONTHS after date of purchase.

    In those 6 months, you can access the materials as much as you like— taking advantage and re-watching modules, accessing the meditations, lessons, etc. ◡̈ This course is YOURS for 6 months, baby!

  • YES — and I love that idea. The gift of health is one of the most generous things you could give someone you love — I truly believe that! Just enter their name/email on the payment page and they’ll receive their login info!

  • I get it — so many health approaches tend to over-complicate things and leave you more confused than you started. My approach provides evidence-backed, yet SIMPLE, health solutions with a twist: I’ll show you how to fit these into your busy life AND stay consistent with them long-term.

    Not to mention, weekly group health coaching to keep you focused & motivated! You will NOT be doing this alone!

    We’ll cover the basics, like nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, mindfulness, and more… and how each can fit into your life with ease.


The Foundations of Wellbeing is truly designed to be the last health program you need to invest in, because it will set you up for living an effortlessly healthy life.


see you in the program, my friend!