Why Dry Brushing Is The Best Thing You've Never Heard Of

how to dry brush

What the heck is dry brushing?

Dry brushing: maybe you’ve heard of it and maybe you haven’t, but regardless, it’s time to get started with this holistic beauty habit. I recently shared that dry brushing is staple in my morning routine and was instantly flooded with questions about this little regime. So without further ado, you are enrolled in “Dry Brushing 101” with Kate Eskuri!

I was personally introduced to dry brushing by my naturopath. She recommended this habit to me after I complained that I was frequently bloated—especially in the morning. I often woke up looking puffy, retaining water, and just feeling blah. When she recommended dry brushing, I was allllll ears. A simple (inexpensive!) way to detoxify, fight bloat, and promote glowing skin…in less than 5 minutes per day? SIGN ME UP.  

What is the history of dry brushing?

Dry brushing is traced back to many different cultures and histories— Egyptians, Indian, Chinese, Greeks, Romans…

I personally learned more about it by studying specifically Ayurvedic medicine within my grad school program. While there are many potential origins, almost all are rooted in the same belief that it is an amazing tool for skin health, detoxification, and promoting lymphatic movement throughout the body.

How does dry brushing work?

Dry brushing helps quickly increase your blood circulation and “wake up” your lymph system by promoting lymphatic drainage (is there a grosser term than lymphatic drainage? I’m unconvinced). Not to mention it exfoliates your skin, helps de-gunk pores, and stimulates your nervous system which makes ya feel awake and energized instantly! Simply put: it feels like a cup o’ coffee for your tactile senses!

so, how do you do it?

below are a few simple steps to introduce the wonderful world of dry-brushing to your routine:

1) Pick your brush:

I personally went for an all-natural bristle dry brush that i looooove. it’s only $16 if youre in the market :) I also found a these options on amazon that look decent as well: this one or this long handled brush if you want to get your back easily). The truth about this part: you really can’t go wrong—just find the brush that works for you (that isn’t made of plastic!!!) and let’s get started!

2) When should you do it?

The best time to dry brush is just before a shower. It gives you a chance to exfoliate the dry skin, then open up the pores with the warm water from the shower. Now I know you’re wondering: why not just brush skin in the shower? Hot water from the shower can actually rob the skin of moisture, so brushing while dry allows you to exfoliate and improve blood circulation while keeping your skin moisturized and plump!

Now, if you’re like me…. showers aren’t as frequent as they should be (I love you, dry shampoo). Even if I am not showering, I still dry brush every morning and follow up with a moisturizing oil. It truly is an instant “wake up” to the body, and has quickly become one of my favorite morning rituals.

3) How do you do it?

So, Kate, how do you do it? It’s super simple; just do short strokes with the brush starting distally and working towards your core (aka start at the feet and work upwards with quick brushes towards the heart). Same goes for your arms—start at the tippy-tip of your fingers and brush up your arms towards your heart. On your abdomen, brush in a clockwise circle to follow the flow of your intestines.

TIP #1: I always pay extra special attention to where the lymph nodes of the body are (under the armpits, near the groin, and under the jawline) to do my best to stimulate them and their detox process. This entire dry brushing process usually takes me around 3 minutes total.

TIP #2: Try to be gentle when brushing—you do not want to be too aggressive as it can actually break the skin’s integrity and do more harm than good. As with everything in life, be gentle on yourself. :)  

4) The final step:

Alright, now that you’ve gotten the fundamentals down I’m gonna share my favorite part: moisturizing with a body oil. This is the beautiful finishing touch that feels like the epitome of self care.  What I suggest: use an all-natural body oil to moisturize your skin, lock in that glow, and start your day by giving your body a lil gratitude!

My personal favorite body oil is Primally Pure’s blue tansy oil. (Mini rant because I love it so weirdly much: blue tansy oil is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory oils on the planet, making it ideal for treating inflammation and irritation. I have found it to be theeee perfect supplement to my dry brushing routine—giving me a lovely glow while doing wonders for my bod… #PresidentOfTheBlueTansyFanClub.)


You’ve brushed, moisturized, and you’re ready to rock! Personally, I am obsessed and find it such an easy, relaxing way to wake my body up and detoxify in a simple, relaxing way.

The beauty of this habit is that it is so ridiculously simple, but soooo effective. Dry brushing has made my morning puffiness a thing of the past and I instantly knew I would dedicate my first blog post to this best-kept secret of mine. :) Alright, friends, that’s a wrap! You just graduated from Dry Brushing 101 and you’re now ready to stimulate blood flow, promote healthy + soft skin, and help your body detoxify efficiently.

I cannot wait to hear what you think! HAPPY DRY BRUSHING!
(Do you think those exact words have ever been typed before? I’m doubtful.)

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